Welcome to Bodhi Tree EcoDharma Sanctuary

Bodhi Tree EcoDharma Sanctuary is stewarded in a sacred way as a refuge for personal and community renewal, in the spirit of the Dharma and the ideals of the Bodhisattva way of life and spiritual practice. We host individuals, families, and gatherings of people from all walks of life seeking to cultivate an open mind, warm heart, and altruistic way of being, infused and inspired by the wisdom of modern and ancient contemplative science and Buddhist teachings. 

Our programs illuminate and clarify the spiritual and contemplative practices of the Buddha Dharma to support and encourage people to study, pray, meditate, and engage in enlightening dialogue, to touch and be touched deeply by the natural beauty and gifts of the earth, in order to bring forth a deeper wisdom, wonder, compassion, healing, love, and care for living beings and for our world.

Practice, conduct, and activities at Bodhi Tree EcoDharma Sanctuary are governed and guided by the Bodhisattva Vows, the principles set forth at the heart of the Mahayana Buddhist tradition, Shantideva’s classic spiritual text, A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life, and Buddhist Lay Precepts (see For a Future to Be Possible). 

The ecoDharma spiritual tradition of our church illuminates the profound and practical ecological implications of Buddhism. It cultivates an embodied experience of meditation immersed in nature and integrates this understanding through engaged Buddhism that aims to reduce harm to living beings and living systems, and enhance the quality of life.

Bodhi Tree EcoDharma Sanctuary provides a nurturing, inspiring, and sacred place conducive to the Awakening and embodiment of greater wisdom, compassion, non-violence, truthfulness, respect, and ecoDharma study-practice-living. At no time will our land or church be used for activities that involve the abuse or exploitation of people or animals. 

Contact us at: AlohaHawaii108@gmail.com