Deep Listening

Listening Meditation

Painting by Mark Henson








The more and more you listen,
the more and more you will hear.
The more you hear,
the more and more deeply you will understand

— Khyentse Rinpoche

The mystery, the essence of all life
is not separate from the silent openness
of simple listening.

— Zen teacher, Toni Packer.

Listen… Be still and let your listening awareness effortlessly receive sound like an ocean receives rain or earth receives water. Without needing to think about them, just let the sounds come and flow. The moment you notice that you’ve spun off into thinking, smile to yourself and mentally say: “Listen….” Notice how all sounds come out of silence…and dissolve back into silence. Notice how your listening mind is like the deep, clear sky which can contain limitless different sounds without any of them getting in the way. Just breathe, listen, and smile for a few deep refreshing moments.


We are continually hearing information

from the world around and within us.

Minimize distortion by turning down the

volume of your internal dialogue.

Imagine that the universe is about

to whisper the answer to your deepest

questions…and you don’t want to miss it!


Simply, and without analysis or commentary to

whatever sounds enter the sphere of your

awareness. Don’t label the sounds. If you

start thinking about them, remind yourself to just…


Effortlessly to sounds.

Let them come to you.

No need to tense or strain.

Trust. Let go of control. Be at ease.

Still…quiet…receptive…and alert.


Notice how sounds arise…and fade away…

Melting into silence or into other sounds.

Don’t try to hold them, simply allow sounds to come and flow…


Where do the sounds go?


Where do the sounds come from?


Experience how the space of your awareness

effortlessly accommodates an interpenetrating

symphony of sounds, thoughts, sensations, feelings,

and visions simultaneously. Allow your

mindbody to relax into unencumbered clarity & presence…


Allow the answers to your deepest questions to

Emerge  in the mind as clear understanding, not as thoughts.


And reflect…

“Who is listening?”

If you pause for a few minutes of mindful listening like this throughout the day, you’ll be amazed at how clear and calm your mind becomes. And like many of the other methods of meditation you can practice listening meditation anytime and in any place. For example, you might be sitting in your office or waiting for a bus. While there may be a fair amount of activity and chaos around you, you can still find your quiet center even in the midst of all this activity. As you practice in simple, quiet times it will be easier to access a quality of deep listening & clear presence even when things are more chaotic.