Mindfulness and the Master of Attention

The practice of Mindfulness meditation teaches us to bring a lucid Clear Presence to deeply observing and discerning the true nature of each arising and passing moment in the stream of our experience.

Cultivating Mindfulness allows us to discover the clarity in the midst of confusion…the peace in the midst of turbulence… and a sense of still clear presence in the midst of change…

Mindfulness frees us from reactivity, anxiety, depression, stress, fear, confusion, and ignorance by awakening greater wisdom, freedom, courage, patience, compassion, creativity, clarity, choice, presence and peace of mind.

Simple Guidelines to Practice Mindfulness:

Gently smile to yourself as you mindfully observe and rest within

the flow of every changing, moment to moment experience…

Be mindful of the waves of the breath as they come… and flow…

Let this be your resting place and anchor of awareness.

From this foundation….

Mindfully notice how external perceptions arise… and pass… in the environment around you…

Mindfully attend to how sensations come and flow through your body…

As thoughts or mental images arise be mindful of how they arise, abide, and pass…

As emotions come to your awareness, be mindful of the arising and passing of those feelings…

As desires, intentions, or other mindstates arise,

simply be mindful of how they come and flow…

Simply experiencing all things as they arise and pass,

not holding on to any experience and not pushing any experience away

Mindfully rest in this flow with Clear Presence


((( Ah )))

To explore the research on Mindfulness and other types of meditation, visit: http://www.wisdomatwork.com/MindFitness2.html